
Launch of new Islington guide to tackling FGM

August 22, 2023

Islington has launched a new guide to help professionals identify children who are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) in partnership with Manor Gardens. The Islington FGM Risk Assessment Tool, a 12-page workbook, will enable people working in the NHS, schools, education, police and children’s services to identify and assess the risks of FGM.


New guidelines for professionals working with survivors of FGM

August 22, 2023

Islington has launched a new guide to help professionals identify children who are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) in partnership with Manor Gardens. The Islington FGM Risk Assessment Tool, a 12-page workbook, will enable people working in the NHS, schools, education, police and children’s services to identify and assess the risks of FGM.


Award for Islington’s food work

August 22, 2023

Islington has been granted Bronze status in the prestigious Sustainable Food Places Awards. The bid, led by the Islington Food Partnership hosted by Manor Gardens, saw the Borough judged on its response to several major issues, including food poverty, food waste, sustainability, supply chains and access to healthy food.


Manor Gardens publishes Equalities report

August 22, 2023

After its successful 6-year Bright Beginnings programme, Manor Gardens has been funded by Islington Public Health to compile its learning on the needs of refugee and migrant women during maternity and the first 1001 days of motherhood.


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